Versatile, Very Inspiring and Liebster!

Oh goodness! How did I let this happen? Somehow over the course of almost a month, I piled up 3 awards and haven’t answered them.

I’m sorry to the 3 bloggers who nominated me.  Its been a bit hectic over here and I wouldn’t want you to think that I’m slacking off or whatnot.  I’ve just been tired and trying to catch up and just getting back in my groove.  Thinking about these awards made me quite happy actually.  I have a lot of stuff planned for the blog and as much as its slowed down this week, my mind never stops for what comes up soon.

Lets start with the longest unanswered award from Mike@ Mikes Film Talk who awarded me with the Versatile Blogger Award! I love getting this award (fourth time now) and accepting it (even though its really late) because I admit that my blog is versatile and covers so many different subjects.  Thanks so so so (times a million) much for this award.  I know I’m really late (like 3 weeks or something).  I really appreciate it! Its means so much to me!


This award comes with rules like all of them:

1. Thank the person who gave you the award.

2. Include a link to their blog.

3. Name the bloggers to whom you would like to pass the award and send them a link to tell them you’ve selected them.

4. Finally, tell the person who nominated you seven things about yourself.

I’ll get to the nominees and sharing my facts later…I want to thank everyone first 🙂

Second award I received about 10 days or so ago was from Joe @ Joe’s Musings for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award! Now talk about being speechless with this.  Needing a few weeks to just digest it.  Moi? Inspiring? VERY inspiring? I don’t even think thats possible but at least Joe thinks so enough to pass this on to me. 🙂 Thanks to Joe so extremely much and I ask him to excuse my tardiness with accepting this.  He is the extremely inspiring one here.  Always writing the best pieces and sharing his fiction and creativity.  You have to check his blog out if you haven’t already.

very inspiring blogger award

The rules for this one is as follows:

1. Display the award logo on your blog.
2. Link back to the person who nominated you.
3. State 7 things about yourself.
4. Nominate 15 other bloggers for this award and link to them.
5. Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award’s requirements.

Nominations and facts coming up in the end and now for the 3rd award, which I received earlier this week!

This most recent one is from Natasha @ Film and Things for Liebster Award. She is totally awesome and I thank her a whole bunch for this awesome award.  Also, you might want to know that she’s going to start filming her own short movie soon called Once Bitten, Twice Shy.  Just to mention that Mike@ Mike’s Film Talk will be part of the cast in that 🙂 Exciting stuff, right? Plus, she also just started a 30 day challenge where she’ll answer 30 questions each day regarding movies.  You know what’s even cooler than that? She covered the Udine Far East Film Festival with other members (I think that were part of her university) and had the chance to interview some awesome directors!

liebster award2

The rules are to give 11 facts about you, answer 11 questions then nominate 11 people! Simple enough, right?

Lets answer these questions first!

1. What musical artist are you listening to these days?

Sara Bareilles, Jon McLaughlin, Boyce Avenue, Green River Ordinance, Taylor Swift, Straight No Chaser

2. If you could be any animal, what would you be? Why?

Tiger! Its my calling 🙂

3. What do you say when your (or someone else’s) kid asks you why the sky is blue?

I don’t communicate with children very well…so I’d probably nudge my boyfriend and ask him the same question for him to answer…

4. Favorite Food?

Gingerbread cookies


5. If $$ were no object, where would you travel on your next vacation?

Santorini/Bora Bora/Maldives

6. How do you like your eggs?


7. Favorite Reality TV Show?

Property Brothers/Chopped/Kitchen Nightmares

8. What was your very first job?

Packaging clothes

9. What book is on your nightstand right now?

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass…although the book I’m reading is in my bag instead

10. What’s your guilty pleasure?

Gossip Girl, 90210, OC…teenage drama so that I can be happy that I’m not rich and not create my own drama 😉

OH and Magic Mike/True Blood..for shirtless hot men

11. At what age is your earliest memory?

Probably age 4 at Japan Disney on the Snow White ride because it freaked me out!!!

So, did you learn a bit more about me? Or was it just all  expected? There’s more though, with all the facts added up for the 3 awards, I’m due to give you 25 facts (which I have no idea what to write)…so here it goes!

1) I’m putting together my friend’s wedding video and I have no idea what music to use…decisions decisions (Any ideas?)

2) I’m excited to go tomorrow to my first ever bachelorette party in honor of my friend’s wedding on Sunday

3) I’m really happy that the weather is getting warm again

4) I can’t believe its also season finales for shows…I still have so much to catch up with.

5) Many people say that I look mixed.  I think it was more when I was a baby.

Baby Kim...ignore the timestamp..

Baby Kim…ignore the timestamp..

6) I need my brain to become more efficient so that I can memorize all my pieces for my piano exam which I want to take this coming winter.

7) I am on a constant search for nice flowy dresses for whatever season!

8) Once the weather gets hot, I always want to go to the beach..even if I never really go that often.

9) I love listening to Chinese music from the 1970s up to 90s (maybe even before that).  After that, it kind of goes down the drain. Two different eras with different style of music showed below 🙂

And I have to insert one with my favorite band Beyond, who disbanded a good while ago..but they are total awesomeness!

10) Yesterday I started watching this ridiculous movie called Killer Klowns from Outer Space

11) I still owe everyone the review of the 4th Die Hard and I feel bad about not having done it but the boyfriend hasn’t been in the mood to finish it…so I’ll probably watch it soon by myself to write it up this week.

12)  I don’t really like planning out my days because when I do, something else always happens to get in the way

13) I’m trying to do another piano cover but I haven’t quite decided what song.

14) I can’t constantly write movie reviews.  Its really hard to do it every day sometimes. I praise those who own pure movie blogs because you are all amazingly awesome

15) I’m learning about the power of being an introvert right now.

16) I love hiking, walking, biking and working out. Pretty much anything active, especially tree adventures 🙂

17) My first console is the Nintendo DS Lite and it makes it so much better because I earned my own money to get it.

18) I have an addiction to Tetris and Bejeweled.  Don`t let them near me because I won’t/can’t stop

19) On PS3, I can only play Move games or Little Big Planet.  Anything else gets too complex.  Or maybe racing games as well 🙂

little big planet

20) If you haven’t followed me for very long, I LOVE Dr. Seuss.  I can read the stories all the time out loud to myself and it’ll make me feel super happy!

21) I collect Disney plushes.  I buy one or two to every new Disney store that I visit.



22) I’m slightly height challenged at 5 feet 3 inches tall.

23) My goal this summer is to revamp my backyard and learn how to garden so that it’ll look like before my dad passed away.

24) I’m taking a break from dragonboat this year and dropped to part-time so that I can finish up all the exams that I’ve dragged out for too long

25) I’m thinking right now that I’ve bored you all with too much information about me and I’m happy this is the last point 🙂 I’m not one to talk too much about myself

Now we’re at one of the most important part of this post: THE NOMINATIONS! I really don’t want to choose so you know what, you choose which one you want! I choose YOU! Yes, YOU!

If you home several different subjects on your blog, then you get the versatile blogger award.  If you write inspiring quotes and aim to be positive and inspire others in any way, then Very Inspiring you are! If you are a young blog with not too many followers or just recently started up for a few months or a year or what not, feel free to take the Liebster award! I’m giving it to anyone of you who drops by this blog, has liked or commented or follows my blog.  If you just happen to drop by, then its fate or destiny or whatever you call it that has lead you here! So feel free to take it 🙂 Just remember to link back and follow the rules! You know you all deserve it!!!

A GIGANTIC THANKS TO MIKE, JOE AND NATASHA! Remember to check out their blogs because they are super awesome!!

Thank you to all of you for sticking around till now! I tried to make it as entertaining as possible 🙂

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