My FIRST: One Lovely Blog Award Nomination

I’m still feeling a bit dazed and confused right now.  My first award…its been about one year and 10 months that I’ve been blogging and I’ve read millions of posts about others getting awards and it never occurred to me that it’d happen to me…and it has.  Give me a few moments to wrap my head around this…I’m just happy!

First of all, I’d like to thank Aan at Sigoese for the One Lovely Blog Award Nomination.  I haven’t followed his blog for a long time but he has some amazing content that goes up. You definitely need to check it out.

These are the rules below, as copied from Sigoese for the nominees to follow:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you
  2. Add The One Lovely Blog Award to your post
  3. Share 7 things about yourself
  4. Pass the award on to 15 nominees
  5. Include this set of rules
  6. Inform your nominees by posting a comment on their blogs

Seven Thing About Me:

1) I love music a lot: I play the piano, sing, and am learning guitar (very slowly) and I listen to music every single day.

2) My love for Dragonboat is the reason and motivation that I exercise and train.

3) I am a collector of  Disney(Pixar included) movies and Hayao Miyazaki animations.

4) I have a digestive disorder that makes me sensitive to caffeine, lactose, MSG, and a whole bunch of random vegetables and foods.

5) I believe that crafty DIY gifts mean so much more than any store-bought gift.

6) I watch too many TV series that I can’t possibly catch up anymore (Criminal Minds, Grey’s Anatomy, The Mentalist, Vampire Diaries, True Blood, Vampire Diaries, and some other guilty pleasures like Gossip Girl, etc.).

7) I hate having a cellphone (even if its a necessity) because I see it as a tracking device on my whereabouts.

Now, on to 15 blogs I’d like to nominate:

  1. Thirdeyemom
  2. Lead.Learn.Live
  3. Head In A Vice
  4. 50 Year Project
  5. The Wish Factor
  6. Crazy Train To Tinky Town
  7. Sethsnap
  8. Homemade with Mess
  9. Bucket List Publications
  10. Ali Does It Herself
  11. A Word in Your Ear
  12. Ridha’s Kitchen
  13. Salt and Serenity
  14. Modern Home Kitchen
  15. A Nature Mom

If you are interested in movies, recipes, photography, crafts, travels and adventures, at least one of those blogs will fulfill.  Thanks again to Sigoese for the wonderful nomination!

30 thoughts on “My FIRST: One Lovely Blog Award Nomination

  1. Congrats on the award! I love Criminal Minds and I don’t own a cell phone. The tracking device isn’t too much of a bother for me, but when I moved to London my American phone didn’t work so I cancelled it. then I was too lazy to get a new one. Found out I could survive without one so I have bothered. Thanks for the nomination.


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