Halloween Marathon: A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors (1987)

After a little break with Lake Placid, we’re jumping right back into A Nightmare on Elm Street 3 called Dream Warriors.  The husband says that this one is step up at least from the second one.  I need that a lot.  Honestly, this serious is missing a little.  The first one set up a good premise and Freddy is a capable slasher villain but he honestly hasn’t been used very well.  Crossing my fingers that he’ll be used better in this one!

Let’s check it out!

A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors (1987)

a nightmare on elm street 3 dream warriors

Director: Chuck Russell

Cast: Heather Langenkamp, Patricia Arquette, Craig Wasson, Robert Englund, Ken Sagoes, Rodney Eastman, Jennifer Rubin, Bradley Gregg, Laurence Fishburne

Survivors of undead serial killer Freddy Krueger – who stalks his victims in their dreams – learn to take control of their own dreams in order to fight back.-IMDB

A Nightmare on Elm Street Part 3 is called Dream Warriors.  Much different from Part 2, this was not a snoozefest and had a lot of fun to offer.  Finally, we dive further into Freddy Krueger’s back story.  We get an idea of how he can possibly be defeated.  At the same time, we’re following the concept of how he wants to revenge the children of those who murdered him in such a brutal way.  He haunts these kids nightmares when they are all sent to a psychiatric hospital.  At the same time, we get back the first movie’s main character to keep the continuity in the storyline which helps to boost the story quite a bit.

a nightmare on elm street 3 dream warriors

Talking about the cast, after the first one offers up an extremely young Johnny Depp, Part 3 offers up two cast members that resonate to today.  The first being our main leading young lady Kristen, played by Patricia Arquette and second is playing the hospital attendant, Max by Laurence Fishburne.  How about that, eh? Both a very good actors and it was very much a surprise especially for Patricia Arquette that she started her career in a scream queen role.  Maybe it doesn’t qualify her since I don’t know her filmography extensively but she did do a whole lot of screaming in this one and very much expectedly so. Joining along their crew are some unfamiliar faces but familiar names that I didn’t go into too much detail researching.  However, Heather Langenkamp does come back to assume her role as Nancy Thompson after six years from the events in the first movie.  Together, they collect their dreaming abilities and Kristen’s special ability to try to defeat Freddy Krueger.  In this whole situation, the kills were unique and despite the still campy effects, they were able to keep it still pretty fun.  At certain points, I even felt a little tense about the situation.

a nightmare on elm street 3 dream warriors

What does deserve a special mention is that Freddy Krueger’s character has a very menacing role here.  While it does give us a possiblity that he can be defeated, he manages to get some kills in and still manipulate the situation to his favor despite some of them being able to channel powers of their own in their dream sequences.  It makes for a very intriguing take and a little fun while this time, adding back more gore and blood.  He now can understand everyone’s fears and passions and really build on something more geared towards the character.  Sure, it still has a bit of funkiness at times but there are some downright spine-tingling deaths that occur. Finally, it feels like his character is put to good use.

a nightmare on elm street 3 dream warriors

Overall, Part 3 Dream Warriors truly seems to define where I’d like A Nightmare on Elm Street to head to.  I did enjoy the first but this one adds on some fun with a little more back story.  It helps create a stimulating plot with a very menacing and sly Freddy Krueger and even manages to tie in some former characters to add in some continuity. All these aspects adds together into a sequel that I like.

Now for Part 4 tomorrow….

Did you see Dream Warriors? What did you think?

7 thoughts on “Halloween Marathon: A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors (1987)

  1. Ahhh yes! The Dream Warriors. For me this one falls into the category is so bad it’s good. Ken Sagoes as Kincaid is so laughably bad. But this one does have some awesome dream kills. Maybe some of Freddy’s best.

    Liked by 2 people

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