Halloween Marathon: Halloween 5 The Revenge of Michael Myers (1989)

If you read yesterday’s review of Halloween 4, even if you haven’t seen it, you’ll know that Halloween 5 The Revenge of Michael Myers picks up after that story. As of now, I’d say that Halloween should be watched in order so that you catch whats going on. Just a warning, if you haven’t watched Halloween 4 and intend to, maybe you shouldn’t read the synopsis because it’ll carry forward from the previous ending…thats my spoiler alert.

halloween 5 posterDirector: Dominique Othenin-Girard

Cast: Danielle Harris, Donald Pleasance, Ellie Cornell, Beau Starr, Jeffrey Landman, Wendy Foxworth, Tamara Glynn

A year after the events of Halloween 4 in Haddonfield.  Jamie (Danielle Harris) has lost her voice and has been moved to the Children’s Clinic. She is under surveillance there by doctors and the frequent visits of Dr. Loomis (Donald Pleasance) as she was under the influence of Michael Myers easily.  One night, she starts seeing visions of Michael coming back to Haddonfield and the murders that he does as he tries to find his way to her.  However, she cannot speak and is too afraid to share the information even under Dr. Loomis`s pressure.  Will Michael find Jamie and can Dr. Loomis find him before then? What is the reason behind his persistance in wanting to kill Jamie?

halloween 5 jamie

Halloween 5 is a pretty intense followup to the fourth one.  However, what this one has is a lot of weird inserts of characters which make the movie into something of a joke.  For a good bit in the middle, especially with the addition of dumb cops, I really started thinking this movie was aiming deliberately in the direction of “so bad its good” territory. Although It was more of a WTF moment (in a bad way), especially when it had that stupid sound effects to match it.  Aside from that, once the annoying characters were gone, about I’d say 30 minutes into the movie or something, (I wasn’t timing so I don’t know), with about 45 minutes remaining or so, it started getting better once we had quality time with Jamie, her friend Billy, Dr. Loomis and Michael.  Even the beginning was pretty good, it was really just that bit in the middle that bothered me a lot.

halloween 5 michael dr. loomis

The story itself had its incoherency or maybe just illogical stuff.  And at a closer look at this photo, what is that mask? Looks so horrible…what happened from the year before till now? I’m getting nitpicky now.  Its just the more I thought about it the more I saw problems with it, but as I was watching it on Sunday night, I really liked it quite a bit.  I like the last 45 minutes for the intensity and the story it was trying to do with Michael and his connection to Jamie.  You know who really scared me this time around? Dr. Loomis! I think the doctor needs to retire from chasing Michael, because he’s going really crazy in a pretty scary way.  It was how frantic he was when he talked to everyone and his ways were starting to become drastic.  Desperate times calls for desperate measures and he’s pretty much been beaten up with all these chases, right?

halloween 5 tina

I think I just did a whole ramble about the movie with no set direction as to whether I liked it or not.  I did enjoy it. When Jamie was involved, it was a good movie, even in the beginning.  Then the ending was good.  Plus, there was new characters to branch out which apparently will lead to the 6th movie, but I don’t remember much of that one anymore.  I need to rewatch it before I put up that review 🙂

Overall, I would recommend Halloween 5 because overall, the initial reaction was that I did like it more than even the 4th one and that was pretty good in my book.  Maybe the whole movie isn’t great but get through those ridiculous parts and we have a decent work.  Not a masterpiece but one that can be interesting to watch. 🙂

What did you think of Halloween 5? Did you like it/hate it? Do you think Dr. Loomis acted crazy in this one? What did you think of Michael’s mask?

12 thoughts on “Halloween Marathon: Halloween 5 The Revenge of Michael Myers (1989)

  1. There are exactly 3 great Halloween movies….1, 2, and 5. The ironic thing is that, very often, if you pin people down to telling you exactly what it was that made the original so great….you get a description that corresponds to only two films in the series….1, and 5. A great many of the people who claim to despise this film know virtually nothing about it. Some, I’ll wager, have never even SEEN it. Their arguments are so thin, and so weak, that there is no other way to explain them.


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